
AmazonSmile Program Ending

The AmazonSmile program will end by February 20, 2023. Thank you for your support! You can still donate online at https://lovethemahwahlibrary.org/donate-or-join/

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Support the Friends through Amazon Smile

Do you shop on Amazon? If yes, it is easy to support the Friends of Mahwah Library with each
purchase. You can click the link for FOML at Amazon or you can do a one-time setup.

Type http://smile.amazon.com/ and you will be taken to the Smile side of Amazon (which looks just the same as the regular site, just more Smiley)

The first time you go to the ‘Smile’ side, you will be asked to choose the organization that you want to
support. Search for Friends of Mahwah Library and select. Don’t forget to change your bookmark so that you go to the Smile site every time, FOML only receives credit when you SMILE!

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COVID 19 Library Update

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The health of the Mahwah community, our patrons and staff is our highest concern.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Mahwah Public Library closed to the public on Friday, March 13, and will remain closed until further notice.

Although the library is closed to the public, we are working from home to provide services. Staff are transitioning programs and events to virtual meetings, hosting jiggly wiggly and story times for children from home, registering patrons for cards, providing access to eBooks, movies, TV series, and other online services, and answering your questions via email. Let us know how we can help you and your family during these difficult times.

The COVID-19 outbreak is a rapidly changing situation. Please check our website, Facebook page, social media and email newsletters for the latest updates.

Thank you,
Kurt Hadeler,

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Be a Friend

FOML semi-annual meeting Monday, April 13th at 7pm

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